** Any declared pointer (below) is only readable because it points to a BareED intern variable!
** Never change it!!!
** Any DAC-application can be compiled for a 68020 CPU since BareED itself presupposes it!
** Note that function parameters must be passed onto stack! - and the values returned by
** a CallBack-Hook are passed on the stack, too.
** The result of a function, however, is returned in register D0.
INCLUDE <exec/libraries.i>
INCLUDE <graphics/gfxbase.i>
INCLUDE <intuition/intuitionbase.i>
INCLUDE <intuition/intuitionbase.i>
INCLUDE <workbench/startup.i>
; Returned by "pm_CreateProgressBar()" - see below.
; Don't assume anything about the ProgressBar more than here stated -
; in real it has got much more items!
STRCUTURE ProgressBar,0
; The only item visible so far...
APTR pb_Window
LABEL PB_SIZEOF ; Not really the end...
; Normal start-up-message, with one argument (path & filename)
; LN_NAME points to "BAREED"
; LN_PRI set to zero (= version of this structure - 0 means beta)
STRUCT pm_Startup,sm_SIZEOF
; Following is private, do not read or modify!
BPTR pm_Lock
APTR pm_Name
STRUCT pm_FileName,108
STRUCT pm_Dir,256
; Library bases (assume at least all are v36, except: Asl v38, Icon & Diskfont v33, Locale v1)
APTR pm_GfxBase
APTR pm_IntuitionBase
APTR pm_GadToolsBase
APTR pm_DiskfontBase
APTR pm_AslBase
APTR pm_IconBase
APTR pm_LocaleBase
APTR pm_WorkbenchBase
; If you have to do own rendering using GadTools, these two may help you.
; But beware of releasing them - BareED is the owner!
APTR VisualInfo; ; Never release it!
APTR DrawInfo; ; Never release it!
; Storage (buffer) start and size
APTR pm_RegionStart
ULONG pm_RegionSize
; Archive start and end
APTR pm_TextStart
APTR pm_TextEnd
; Application was started with this marked block
APTR pm_BlockStart
APTR pm_BlockEnd
; Editor is using this attribute for the used font
APTR pm_FontAttr
; By editor used font
APTR pm_Font
; The editor's surrounding
APTR pm_EdWindow
; How wide is a tab character in pixels
ULONG pm_TabWidth
; A tab stop occurs every 'n' characters (almost!)
ULONG pm_TabStops;
; Rightmost offset set to 'n' characters (may zero!!!)
ULONG pm_RightMargin;
; Pointer to 256 bytes - same order like LATIN-1 char-set - where each byte holds
; the width of the concerned character, e. g. at offset 32 the width of the SPACE-
; character can be found
APTR pm_CharSpace ; Pointer to the character-spaces of the used font
; Currently, following two function pointers are out of order (they are empty!!!)
; To check if the current BareED version support those two, check them against zero!
APTR pm_GetAttr
APTR pm_ChangeAttr
; Two functions to permit/allow modifications through user-interface --- NOTE:
; Since BareED protects the archive against modification (user/Arexx) there is no need to
; call these functions - furthermore - even if you call AllowInput() it will not turn off
; the protection - it only allows the user to scroll around in the text-file (for example)
; which is anyway the defaulted mode!
; void (*pm_BlockInput)( void);
; void (*pm_AllowInput)( void);
APTR pm_BlockInput
APTR pm_AllowInput
; Display a simple text-requester whithout inhibiting the user from changing BareED's
; interface. You could call BlockInput() first...
; void (*pm_Tell)( STRPTR str);
APTR pm_Tell
; Display a simple text-requester without inhibiting the user from changing BareED's
; interface. The user can react on the requester with "YES" or "NO".
; unsigned int (*pm_CaseTell)( STRPTR str);
APTR pm_CaseTell
; Display a simple number-requester with inhibiting the user from changing BareED's
; interface!
; initial = intial number for the string-gadget that may be changed by the user later on
; winname = title of the requester
; hailtext = the text displayed as body
; gadtext = there is only one bool-gadget in this requester, this is the string for it
; zero = must be set to zero!
; Returns NULL if user abandoned or the entered number
; unsigned int (*pm_RequestNumber)( unsigned int initial, STRPTR winname, STRPTR hailtext, STRPTR gadtext, BOOL zero);
APTR pm_RequestNumber
; Four functions - please refere to the DAC-guide for function-reference
; unsigned int (*pm_StrPixelLen)( unsigned char *start, unsigned char *end);
; void (*pm_DumpStrLine)( unsigned char *start, unsigned char *end, struct RastPort *rp, unsigned int x, unsigned int y);
; unsigned int (*pm_WidestStrLen)( unsigned char *text, unsigned char *stop, unsigned int (*inform_code)( unsigned int len, unsigned int line), unsigned int inform);
; void (*pm_DumpStrings)( struct RastPort *rp, unsigned int (*dump_code)( unsigned int len, unsigned int line), unsigned char *text, unsigned char *stop);
APTR pm_StrPixelLen
APTR pm_DumpStrline
APTR pm_WidestStrLen
APTR pm_DumpStrings
; Functions attached to the progress-bar - refere to DAC-guide...